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How To Report Non Payment Of Child Support Nj

How To Report Non Payment Of Child Support in New Jersey

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children whose parents are no longer together. Unfortunately, not all parents fulfill their child support obligations, leaving custodial parents struggling to provide for their children’s needs. If you are a custodial parent in New Jersey facing non-payment of child support, it is essential to understand the steps you can take to report and address this issue. This article will guide you through the process, providing valuable insights and resources to help you navigate the system effectively.

Understanding Child Support Laws in New Jersey

Before delving into the reporting process, it is important to have a clear understanding of child support laws in New Jersey. The state follows specific guidelines to determine child support obligations based on various factors, including the income of both parents, the number of children involved, and the custody arrangement. These guidelines aim to ensure fairness and consistency in child support orders.

It is crucial to note that child support orders are legally binding, and failure to comply with them can have serious consequences. Non-payment of child support is considered a violation of court orders and can result in legal action against the non-paying parent.

Steps to Report Non-Payment of Child Support in New Jersey

If you are not receiving the child support payments you are entitled to, follow these steps to report non-payment and seek enforcement:

1. Keep Detailed Records

Start by keeping detailed records of all child support payments you have received and those that are outstanding. This includes documenting the amount, date, and method of payment for each installment. These records will serve as crucial evidence when reporting non-payment.

2. Contact the Probation Division

In New Jersey, child support enforcement is handled by the Probation Division of the Superior Court. Contact your local Probation Division office to report the non-payment and initiate enforcement proceedings. Provide them with all the necessary information, including the details of the child support order and the non-paying parent’s information.

3. File a Motion for Enforcement

If the non-paying parent continues to neglect their child support obligations, you may need to file a motion for enforcement with the court. This legal action will prompt the court to take further steps to ensure compliance with the child support order. Consult with an attorney or seek assistance from legal aid organizations to help you navigate this process effectively.

4. Seek Wage Garnishment

If the non-paying parent has a regular source of income, you can request wage garnishment. This involves deducting child support payments directly from the non-paying parent’s wages or salary. The Probation Division can assist you in obtaining a wage garnishment order, ensuring consistent and timely payments.

5. Utilize Other Enforcement Tools

If wage garnishment is not feasible or the non-paying parent has other assets, you can explore other enforcement tools available in New Jersey. These may include seizing tax refunds, placing liens on property, suspending driver’s licenses, or even pursuing criminal charges in extreme cases of non-payment.

Dealing with non-payment of child support can be complex and emotionally challenging. It is advisable to seek legal assistance to ensure you understand your rights and options fully. An attorney specializing in family law can guide you through the process, represent your interests in court, and help you secure the child support you and your children deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I report non-payment of child support if I don’t have a court order?

Yes, you can still report non-payment of child support even if you don’t have a court order. However, having a court order in place provides a legal framework for enforcement and makes it easier to pursue legal action against the non-paying parent.

2. What if the non-paying parent lives in a different state?

If the non-paying parent resides in a different state, you can still report non-payment of child support. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) allows for cooperation between states to enforce child support orders. The New Jersey Probation Division can work with the appropriate agency in the non-paying parent’s state to facilitate enforcement.

3. Can child support enforcement help with retroactive payments?

Yes, child support enforcement can help with retroactive payments. If the non-paying parent owes child support for a period before the enforcement action, the court can order them to make retroactive payments to cover the arrears.

4. What if the non-paying parent claims they cannot afford to pay child support?

If the non-paying parent claims they cannot afford to pay child support, it is essential to provide evidence of their financial situation. The court may consider modifying the child support order based on the parent’s income and financial circumstances. However, it is crucial to consult with an attorney to ensure your rights and the child’s best interests are protected.

5. Can child support enforcement help with medical expenses and other costs?

Child support enforcement primarily focuses on ensuring regular financial support for the child’s basic needs. However, medical expenses and other costs can be addressed through additional court orders or modifications to the existing child support order. Consult with an attorney to explore your options in these situations.

6. What if the non-paying parent is unemployed or underemployed?

If the non-paying parent is unemployed or underemployed, the court may impute income based on their earning capacity. This means that the court can assign an income to the parent based on their education, work history, and job opportunities in their area. Imputing income ensures that parents cannot avoid child support obligations by intentionally remaining unemployed or underemployed.


Reporting non-payment of child support in New Jersey is a crucial step in ensuring the financial well-being of your children. By keeping detailed records, contacting the Probation Division, filing a motion for enforcement, and utilizing available enforcement tools, you can take action against non-paying parents and seek the child support you are entitled to. Remember to seek legal assistance to navigate the process effectively and protect your rights. By understanding the steps involved and your options, you can work towards securing the financial support your children deserve.